WINGS Founder Milbry Polk is named the 2011 Anne Morrow Lindbergh Awardee

Milbry Polk, WINGS Co-Founder and author/lecturer/editor, will receive the Lindbergh Foundation’s, Anne Morrow Lindbergh Award on Wednesday, March 30, 2011 at Sun ‘n Fun, Lakeland, Florida.

Established in 2003, the Anne Morrow Lindbergh Award is given periodically for outstanding individual achievement, a spirit of initative, and exemplifies great dedication toward making positive contributions to our world.  Past recpients Of The Anne Morrow Lindbergh Award include Dr. Sally Ride, 2003
and Sarah Susanka, 2007.

Congratulations Milbry!

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Milbry’s website:

The Lindbergh Foundation

Milbry’s Blog: Brave New World