WINGS Fellow and Co-Founder of 5Gyres, Anna Cummins has an important message about cleaning products you use and the effect they have on the oceans. 5Gyres has launched this campaign to generate awareness about the dangers of MicroBeads in our oceans and their impact on the environment. MicroBeads are tiny, toxic, micro-plastic particles, that are used as exfoliants in household products. These products wash down the drain and directly into our water systems. In order to support their efforts, share the infographic on the left with your elected officials to “Stop Plastic Microbeads from Polluting our Precious Waterways.” Below are some must- know facts about MicroBeads.
- Flag #25 to cross the South Pacific on the 5Gyres fifth expedition to study plastic pollution
- Fellow Leela Hazzah Wins 2012 St. Andrews Prize For The Environment
- WINGS Flag Carrier Michelle Westmorland just launched a kickstarter campaign so she can finish her film on explorer Caroline Mytinger who went to New Guinea in the 1920’s.
- 5Gyres sets sail for the South Pacific, marking their 5th and final expedition