Katie Conlon
Heather Kuhlken
Paula Prist
Abeer Al-Saud
April Burt
Plastic pollution is having devastating effects on the Aldabra Atoll World Heritage Site and the local wildlife. Conservation biologist April Burt was awarded a WINGS WorldQuest Flag…
Allison C. Hanes
Filmmaker Allison Hanes carried the WINGS Flag to the Mentawai Islands of Indonesia. She scouted locations for a 90 minute feature film about the shamans…
Terrie Williams
The narwhal is one of the most iconic marine mammals of the Arctic but remains virtually unstudied due to its deep diving habits and polar…
Arita Baaijens
From December 2019 through January 2020, Arita Baaijens (Flag #2) returned to Papua New Guinea to continue the work she began in 2016 with WINGS…
Callie Veelenturf
Callie Veelenturf, a marine conservation biologist and founder of The Leatherback Project, is dedicated to protecting the oceans. During winter 2019-20, Callie carried WINGS Flag…
Gaelin Rosenwaks
In March 2021, marine scientist, photographer and filmmaker Gaelin Rosenwaks carried Flag #29 on her expedition to Dominica to study and film sperm whales for…