Elizabeth Bennett
Elizabeth (Liz) Bennett is the Vice President for Species Conservation at WCS. She conducted the first ever detailed field study of the proboscis monkey in Sarawak, Malaysia. She remained in Sarawak for the next 18 years. After her own studies of the effects of hunting and logging on wildlife, her time in Sarawak culminated with her leading a team of WCS and Sarawak Government staff to write a comprehensive wildlife policy for the State, and subsequently to head a unit within the Government to oversee its implementation. Her current role involves overseeing WCS’s species conservation programs globally. She has trained wildlife practitioners at many levels, from post-graduate students to government wildlife staff in Sarawak, Sabah, Myanmar and China. She has published widely, with more than 120 scientific and popular publications.
Born: 1956
Hometown: London, England
Education: Ph.D. in Primate Ecology Occupation: Wildlife biologist
Expeditions: Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak Malaysia, and trips across SE Asia and Central Africa
Favorite Places to Be: In Sarawak, Malaysia or at home in Irvington, NY
Best Discovery: Over-hunting and wildlife trade are the biggest threats to wildlife today, even national parks are no protection.
Favorite Items To Have In The Field: Binoculars, and a shortwave radio to listen to the BBC
Personal Heroes: Margaret Brooke, British”Queen” of Sarawak, 1869-1916, and William Beebe, naturalist, explorer, scientist and author Hobbies: Listening to classical music and quiet dinners with friends
Website: http://www.lizbennett-species-2016.org/
Advice: Follow your conviction. Don’t let others, or even social convention, deter you