Born: 1953

Hometown: Elmira, NY

Education: Ph.D. in Botany

Occupation: Canopy ecologist (argonaut)

Expeditions: Hot air ballooning to survey biodiversity in Cameroon, Africa; Jason expedition, broadcasting via satellite to 3 million kids from the Amazon treetops

Favorite Place: In a treetop

Best Discoveries: Becoming one of the first female arbornauts, fostering a unique partnership of religion and science in Ethiopia to inspire forest conservation, climbing tropical trees to discover that half of Earth’s land-based biodiversity lives in the treetops, and that women mentoring women is the success of our future

Favorite Items In The Field: Oreo cookies

Personal Heroes: Harriet Tubman and my two boys for being such great-spirited tree climbers


Advice: Cultivate (and enjoy) your five senses – they are key to having fun, and also to survival!

Read Meg Lowman’s Imagine Notes Here

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