Born: 1971

Hometown: Seattle, WA

Education: Ph.D. in Geophysics

Occupation: Glaciologist and educator

Expeditions: Antarctica (West Antarctic Divide, Siple Dome, and the Dry Valleys), Alaska (Brooks Range), Washington (Mount Rainier, Mount Olympus, and North Cascades glaciers), and British Columbia (Mount Waddington)

Favorite Place: Wandering in the mountains… preferably with glaciers nearby

Best Discovery: How the behavior of a single ice crystal affects the flow of an entire glacier

Favorite Items In The Field: “Big Orange” (my down parka), my senses, an open mind Personal Hero: Katherine Olson, my cousin who taught me how to be me

Hobbies: Hiking, backcountry skiing, mountaineering, and many other things


Advice: Observe the world around you with all your senses. Absorb it, be mindful of the details. And ask questions.