Born: 1969

Hometown: Innsbruck, Austria

Education: Ph.D. in Microbiology & Limnology

Occupation: Limnologist (a specialist in the study of freshwater ponds and lakes)

Expeditions: Antarctica: Dry Valleys, South Pole, Patriot Hills, Pecora Escarpment, Antarctic Peninsula, Svalbard, and Greenland

Favorite Places: Somewhere on the ice – and if not there, being at home

Best Discoveries: The atmosphere is a microbial ecosystem harboring active microbes; Lake Paula, an undiscovered permanently ice-covered lake in the Antarctic

Favorite Item In The Field: The invincible feeling when in extreme conditions

Personal Heroes: Mom and dad

Hobbies: Windsurfing and ski touring


Advice: Follow your gut feelings and be yourself, in any way!