Primatologist Dr. Karen B. Strier is the Vilas Research Professor and Irven DeVore Professor of Anthropology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she leads the Strier Lab for Primate Behavioral Ecology and Conservation. She is an international authority on the endangered northern muriqui monkey, which she has been studying in the Brazilian Atlantic forest since 1982. Her pioneering, long-term field research has been critical to conservation efforts on behalf of this species and has been influential in broadening comparative perspectives on primate behavioral and ecological diversity. In addition to NAS, she is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She received an Honorary Doctor of Science Degree from the University of Chicago, and Distinguished Primatologist Awards from the American Society of Primatology and the Midwestern Primate Interest Group. She has received research, teaching, and service awards from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Lifetime Honorary Memberships from the Brazilian Primatological Society and the Latin American Primatological Society. She is the recipient of the 2020 Prêmio Muriqui, an award given by the Biosphere Reserve of the Atlantic Forest and considered to be one of the most important tributes to environmental action in Brazil.