Past Events

Sefra Alexandra: A Seed Conservation Safari with The Seed Huntress

Marblehead Arts Association in Marblehead, MA

May 2, 2024

Join Seed Huntress – Sefra Alexandra – on a global expedition of how our world’s seed biodiversity is safeguarded. From the Global Seed Vault in Norway to the living seed banks – the soils- in your own backyard. Learn how to become a seed steward of your own local native species, the heirlooms of the pollinators to ecologically restore habitats across your local landscapes!

Native plants are critical to providing food and habitat for our pollinators, but where are we getting our plants from? Understanding an ecoregional framework for ecological restoration is crucial to sourcing “the right plants for the right place.” Join Sefra Alexandra lead of the Ecotype Project & BOATanical Expeditions, as she explains the process of sustainably sourcing wild pollinator seeds and making them locally available to you!

Sefra Alexandra leads the- The Ecotype Project– reweaving the native seed supply chain in the Northeast throughout ecoregion 59. Sefra is the head BOATanist at BOATanical Expedition– where she and fellow citizen scientists”paddle for the pollinators!” and is on the steering committee for the newly launched Northeast Seed Network. Sefra Alexandra, “The Seed Huntress,” is a WINGS WorldQuest Flag Carrier, member of the Explorers Club & holds her M.A.T. in Agroecology from Cornell University. 

Gaelin Rosenwaks: Talk at South Carolina Aquarium

WINGS X South Carolina Aquarium Charleston, SC

April 24, 2024

Gaelin Rosenwaks is a marine scientist, explorer, photographer, and filmmaker. She began her career at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution where she researched over-wintering patterns of Southern Ocean zooplankton. Gaelin earned her Master’s Degree in Coastal Environmental Management from Duke University working with the Tag-A-Giant program and conducting research on the migratory movements of Giant Bluefin Tunas. She has conducted fieldwork throughout the world from the Antarctic to the Arctic on icebreakers to both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans on fishing vessels. Alarmed by the changes happening in the oceans, Gaelin founded Global Ocean Exploration (GOE) to share her passion for ocean exploration, marine conservation and photography.

Gaelin is a US Coast Guard Licensed Captain, and a Fellow of both the Royal Geographical Society, the Explorers Club and a member of the Society of Women Geographers. She has served on the Conservation Committee of the Explorers Club and has been honored to carry the Explorers Club Flag on two of her expeditions to the Arctic. She has appeared as an expert on many TV programs including on The Discovery Channel, Science Channel, CBS News, and Business Insider. Her photography has been displayed in many exhibitions, including solo exhibitions at Duke University, The Maritime Aquarium, and the Patagonia Upper West Side Store in NYC. Gaelin was the expedition biologist and photographer for an expedition using submarines to explore the bottom of the Blue Hole with Sir Richard Branson and Fabien Cousteau. In addition, her films have been screened at many prestigious film festivals around the country.

Dr. Karen Strier: Securing a Future for the World’s Most Peaceful Primate


March 14, 2024

Primatologist Dr. Karen B. Strier is the Vilas Research Professor and Irven DeVore Professor of Anthropology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she leads the Strier Lab for Primate Behavioral Ecology and Conservation. She is an international authority on the endangered northern muriqui monkey, which she has been studying in the Brazilian Atlantic forest since 1982. Her pioneering, long-term field research has been critical to conservation efforts on behalf of this species and has been influential in broadening comparative perspectives on primate behavioral and ecological diversity. In addition to NAS, she is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She received an Honorary Doctor of Science Degree from the University of Chicago, and Distinguished Primatologist Awards from the American Society of Primatology and the Midwestern Primate Interest Group.  She has received research, teaching, and service awards from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Lifetime Honorary Memberships from the Brazilian Primatological Society and the Latin American Primatological Society. She is the recipient of the 2020 Prêmio Muriqui, an award given by the Biosphere Reserve of the Atlantic Forest and considered  to be one of the most important tributes to environmental action in Brazil.

Dr. Laly Lichtenfeld: Leading Change: Women, Wildlife, and Conservation Innovation

WINGS X South Carolina Aquarium Charleston, SC

January 11, 2024

Dr. Laly Lichtenfeld believes in finding the balance for communities and nature. A nearly 20-year resident of Tanzania, Laly co-founded African People & Wildlife in 2005 to help rural communities conserve and benefit from their wildlife and natural resources. Laly specializes in wildlife conservation with a focus on lions and other big cats, community empowerment and engagement in natural resource management, and the development of conservation incentives for rural people. As a female CEO in East African conservation, Laly is often one of few women at the senior leadership table, a responsibility she does not take lightly. In 2018, Laly became an invited member of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority Research Advisory Committee. In addition to being a WINGS Fellow, Laly is an accomplished speaker, a Distinguished Alumni of the Yale Tropical Resources Institute, a National Geographic Explorer, and a recipient of the 2016 Lowell Thomas Award for Open Space Conservation. 

Jill Heinerth: Talk at South Carolina Aquarium

WINGS X South Carolina Aquarium Charleston, SC

January 11, 2024

WINGS Lifetime Achievement Awardee, Jill Heinerth is a cave diver, underwater explorer, writer, photographer, filmmaker, and the first person to dive inside iceberg caves. From the Sahara’s desert oases to Baffin Bay’s cold waters, Jill becomes the hands and eyes for climatologists, archaeologists, and engineers.  Her memoir, Into the Planet: My Life as a Cave Diver, has been lauded by the Wall Street Journal, Oprah Magazine, and the New York Times. Her children’s book, The Aquanaut, is a Blue Ribbon Selection for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. Under Thin Ice, her 2019 documentary about the impact of climate change on polar wildlife, is streaming on CBC’s The Nature of Things. Her projects have been broadcast on the BBC, PBS, Discovery Channel, and television networks worldwide. According to filmmaker James Cameron, “More people have walked on the moon than have been to some of the places Jill Heinerth has gone right here on earth.”

See pictures from Jill’s talk here

2023 Global Explorers Forum


October 13, 2023

The 2023 Global Explorers Forum was held the day following our 2023 Women of Discovery Awards Gala. It was moderated by 2019 Fellow Dr. Mandë Holford, and our 2023 Fellows Dr. Dawn Wright (Lifetime Achievement), Dr. Zuzana Buřivalová, Dr. Emma Camp, Dr. Alifa Bintha Haque and Cristina Mittermeier as well as 2022 Fellow Dr. Citlalli Morelos-Juarez presented their latest research and discoveries while sharing their journeys to becoming explorers. Research presentations were followed by Q&A Panels and lively discussions on the challenges and opportunities of working in traditionally male-dominated fields. 

Panel I: Women in Polar Research and Exploration, moderated by Fellow Ann Bancroft. WINGS Explorers Liv Arneson, Dr. Ulyana Peña, Sunniva Sorby, Hilde Fålun Strøm and Dr. Maria Tzortziou shared stories from recent expeditions and climate change research in the rapidly changing polar regions. 

Panel II: The Future of Women in STEM & Exploration, moderated by Flag Carrier Dr. Maria Tzortziou. WINGS Fellows Dr. Dawn Wright (Lifetime Achievement), Dr. Zuzana Buřivalová, Dr. Emma Camp, Dr. Alifa Bintha Haque, Dr. Citlalli Morelos-Juarez and Dr. Mande Holford shared insights on their achievements, opportunities and innovative strategies for success sparked by the unique challenges faced by women in the fields of science and exploration. 

The afternoon was highlighted by presentations by Flag Carriers Sefra Alexander and Dr. Cassandra Quave, who led spice exploration and tea-blending talks and activities related to each of their botanical research projects.

2023 Women of Discovery Awards Gala


October 12, 2023

WINGS celebrated our five new Women of Discovery and bold explorers, Dr. Dawn Wright (Lifetime Achievement), Dr. Zuzana Buřivalová, Dr. Emma Camp, Dr. Alifa Bintha Haque and Cristina Mittermeier. Guest appearances included WINGS Fellows Ann Bancroft, Liv Arneson, Dr. Citlali Morelos-Juarez, Felicity Aston, Dr. Mandë Holford, Dr. Ulyana Peña, Dr. Krithi Karanth and Flag Carriers Sefra Alexandra and Dr. Cassandra Quave.

The night included a performance from the electrifying all-women, Black-led percussion ensemble, Batalá New York.

Learn more about our honorees here

See more pictures from the gala here

Explorer Talk with WINGS Flag Carrier Gaelin Rosenwaks

East Hampton, NY

August 9, 2023

Gaelin Rosenwaks, author of “Sperm Whales, The Gentle Giants of the Ocean”, is an Explorer, Marine Scientist, Photographer and Filmmaker who has carried the WINGS flag on expedition to Dominica, to complete her film about Sperm Whales, “Finding Physty”. She began her career at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution conducting research in Antarctica and then earned her Master’s Degree in Coastal Environmental Management from Duke University researching Giant Bluefin Tunas. Alarmed by the changes happening in the oceans, Gaelin founded Global Ocean Exploration Inc. to share her passion for ocean exploration, marineconservation and storytelling. She now participates and conducts expeditions in every ocean to alert the public not only to the challenges facing the oceans, but also to what science is doing to understand these changes.

SPERM WHALES: THE GENTLE GOLIATHS OF THE OCEANS is a beautiful look at these magnificent animals. In the waters off Dominica, Rosenwaks observed—eye to eye—the close bond between mother and child firsthand. What she found is that these animals live in matriarchal family units made up of remarkable females that stay together for generations. Like elephants and humans, they take care of one another. She was able to document them sleeping, playing, nursing, and so much more about their vibrant lives both under the sea, and above it.

Explorer Talk with 2016 WINGS Conservation Awardee Dr. Marla Spivak

Minneapolis, MN

June 26, 2023

WINGS board members, Kimi Goldstein Werner and Ann Bancroft along with Hal and Susie Goldsten, hosted an Explorer Talk featuring 2016 Conservation Award winner, Dr. Marla Spivak. 

Marla shared stories of scientific research and innovation, pulling from her experiences as leading entomologist in the movement to protect and enhance the health and diversity of the world’s declining honey bee population.

Her current research projects include breeding honey bees for their natural defenses against diseases and parasites, exploring the benefits of plant resins to honey bee social immunity, and propagating floral-rich and pesticide-free landscapes to support all pollinators.

Learn more about Marla’s work and the Spivak Honey Bee Lab at the University of Minnesota here.

Central Park Seed Safari with Sefra Alexandra, “The Seed Huntress”


June 10, 2023

The WINGS Associate Board hosted a Seed Safari event in Central Park with Flag Carrier and Associate Board Explorer in Residence, Sefra Alexandra.

Sefra is dedicated to sharing her knowledge and expertise with others. Her engaging talks and workshops on the importance of seed conservation have inspired audiences around the globe. Whether you are a farmer, a gardener, or simply someone who cares about the future of our planet, Sefra’s lectures will leave you with a deeper understanding of the crucial role that seeds play in our world.

During the two hour stroll through Central Park’s lush gardens, Sefra educated the crowd on the local flora, and actions you can take in your own back yard to preserve the world’s seeds. The entire crowd loved her engaging, fun, and educational talk & seed stroll. After the walk, attendees were able to plant seedlings in organic soil and take them home!

An Evening with the “Plant Hunter,” Dr. Cassandra Quave


April 26, 2023

WINGS hosted an exciting Explorer Talk in collaboration with 2022 Flag Carrier Dr. Cassandra Quave.

Dr. Quave, a leading ethnobotanist, shared stories of scientific innovation and discovery from her experiences leading international expeditions and discovering new medicines in her laboratory at Emory University School of Medicine. The Quave Research Group is composed of an interdisciplinary team of scientists who are passionate about translational science geared towards the improvement of human health. Their research group takes the ethnobotanical approach to drug discovery. Ethnobotany is the study of human interactions with plants. This can include anything from the use of plants for medicine, food, shelter, construction, art, crafts, and more. The focus of most ethnobotanical research is with traditional societies that incorporate wild plants into their daily life.

Dr. Quave also shared a behind-the-scenes look at her most recent expedition to the remote oases of Egypt’s western desert, which was supported by WINGS. The inspiring evening included a fun tea-blending experiment and a signing of her book “The Plant Hunter.”

Book Launch With 2011 Fellow Dr. Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka


April 20, 2023

WINGS hosted an inspiring event celebrating 2011 Humanity Fellow Dr. Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka and the publication of her new book, Walking With Gorillas: The Journey of an African Wildlife Vet. Dr. Kalema-Zikosoka is one of the leading conservationists and scientists working to save the critically endangered mountain gorillas of East Africa. She is founder and Chief Executive Officer of Conservation Through Public Health (CTPH), a 16-year old nonprofit organization that promotes conservation by improving the quality of life of people and wildlife to enable them to coexist in and around protected areas in Africa.

The first stop on Dr. Gladys’ US tour, this book launch featured exclusive footage from “Gorilla Trekking Film (Uganda),” a personal reading by Dr. Gladys from her new book, and a conversation with WINGS Flag Carrier Allison Carden Hanes, Founder of One Health Productions. A Q&A session followed the presentation, and signed books were available for purchase.

See more pictures from the event here

2022 Explorers Forum


October 20, 2022

Our annual Explorers Forum was hosted the morning following our 2022 Awards Gala. The 2022 Fellows Karletta Chief, Jill Heinerth and Rae Wynn-Grant as well as 2021 Flag Carrier Sefra Alexandra presented their most recent research and discoveries. The in-depth presentations truly showed how remarkable these women are.

2022 Women of Discovery Awards Gala


October 19, 2022

WINGS WorldQuest celebrated our five new Women of Discovery and bold explorers, Jill Heinerth (Lifetime Achievement), Citlali Morelos-Juarez, Karletta Chief, Adjany Costa, and Rae Wynn-Grant. Guest appearances included WINGS Fellows Ann Bancroft, Liv Arneson, Krithi Karanth, Mande Holford as well as Flag Carriers Sefra Alexandra, Cassandra Quave, and Gaelin Rosenwaks.

Our host was Ophira Eisenberg, stand-up comedian and former host of NPR’s Ask Me Another. The night included a performance from award-winning tap dancer and choreographer Ayodele Casel.

Mingle at Malt House


October 4, 2022

The Wings Junior Board had a very successful cocktail event on the evening of October 4th at The Malt House in Greenwich Village, New York City.

This was a great opportunity to network and connect with professionals of all ages, with over 50 attendees and over 100 donations. During the event we were able to share with attendees information describing the impact of WINGS and the value of WINGS’ mission. Attendees received two drink tickets and an Athleta gift card. Each event ticket also provided a raffle entry – our raffle winner was able to bring home a few bottles of wine, $75 worth of Athleta gift cards, and some unique WINGS branded gifts.

The evening raised funds to support at least three WINGS flag carriers!

Sweat for Science


April 10, 2022

On April 10th the WINGS Junior Board hosted the 1st Sweat for Science fundraiser, a live, music-driven Zoom workout class led by emerging fitness star Savannah Freed (@sweat.with.sav).

The event and giveaway, totaling more than $1,400 in prizes, left everyone inspired and energized for the weekend!

2020 Women of Discovery Awards Gala

October 14, 2020

WINGS WorldQuest celebrated our first virtual Women of Discovery Awards Gala and honored Dr. Sylvia Earle (Lifetime Achievement), Liz Taylor and the DOER Team (Innovation in Technology), and Dr. Diva Amon (Sea). Award-winning journalist Katie Couric was the Master of Ceremonies. Guest appearances included WINGS Fellows Mande Holford, Ann Bancroft and Liv Arneson as well as Flag Carriers Callie Veelenturf, Gaelin Rosenwaks and Sunniva Sorby.

Explorer Talk: Kate Harris

November 6, 2019

Three-time WINGS honoree Kate Harris traveled 10,000 kilometers through 10 countries across the Silk Road – on a bicycle – and then wrote a book about it. In it, she explores the political, cultural and environmental history of the places and people she encounters while peddling for 10 months through some of the remotest places on earth. Kate, who Conde Nast Traveler calls one of “the most adventurous women in the world”, shared her adventure with us, as we celebrated the MANY awards “Lands of Lost Borders” has received. Plus, Kate revealed details on her new book!

Fit to Field: Get Fit and Give Back!

October 26, 2019

Our Junior Council helped fund a flag carrier expedition through a fall fitness fundraiser. Participants adjusted and aligned with a yoga/barre class led by founding Junior Council member Jo Stone, and received gift cards to our event partner, Athleta!

Explorer Talk: April Burt

October 6, 2019

Conservation Biologist and Flag Carrier April Burt returned from a plastic pollution expedition to the Aldabra Atoll in the Seychelles (one of the largest coral atolls in the world) and shared her findings with us.

Fellows Webinar: Intellectual Property

September 25, 2019

Intellectual Property is a key strategic asset for many of WINGS’s Fellows and Flag Carriers. Attorney Nicole Galli will cover topics such as identifying your IP, developing and implementing a plan to protect your IP, and navigating registration and enforcement. Read more about the patient gap from Nicole here.

This webinar was exclusively hosted for WINGS Fellows and Flag Carriers.

Book Club and Q&A with Kate Harris

September 18, 2019

WINGS Junior Council proudly presents a book club discussion about “Lands of Lost Borders”, a travel memoir by 2010 Fellow Kate Harris about crossing the silk road by bicycle. Kate carried the WINGS flag during her silk road expedition. Kate is also the recipient of the 2019 RBC Taylor Prize, an award recognizing the best in Canadian literary non-fiction. Kate joined via skype for a Q&A during the event.

Yeah She Did With Caveat NYC

April 24, 2019

Yeah She Did is a storytelling series that shines a light on the sheroes that should have been. Women run the world and they also explore it. Together with Caveat NYC, we celebrated the astronauts, scientists, and adventurous women who expanded what we know of this world, and the worlds beyond.

WINGS Flag Carrier Sophie Hollingsworth spoke during the panel event, and proceeds went toward the WINGS Junior Council’s Women of Discovery Fund.

2019 Women of Discovery Awards

April 23, 2019

The WINGS WorldQuest Women of Discovery Awards were established in 2003 to recognize extraordinary women making significant contributions to world knowledge and science through exploration.

On Tuesday, April, 23, 2019, four intrepid explorers were honored and inducted as WINGS WorldQuest Fellows at the Women of Discovery Awards Gala. Eighty-four pioneering women have received this honor and over $650,000 in grants since 2003.

The Women of Discovery Awardees presented their research, initiatives and discoveries during the Fellows Forum, an accessible, interactive symposium for anyone seeking to better understand the world around us, advance scientific inquiry and promote environmental conservation. Our four Women of Discovery Awardees were honored during the Women of Discovery Awards Gala.

Film Screening: Headhunt Revisited

March 5, 2019

WINGS hosted a screening of Headhunt Revisited: With Brush, Canvas and Camera, and talkback with filmmaker Michele Westmorland. This beautiful documentary film explores artist Caroline Mytinger’s incredible journey through Melanesia and the power of art to span oceans and decades.

In 1926, Caroline Mytinger set out on a four-year adventure to the “Land of Headhunters” in the Solomon Islands and New Guinea to paint Melanesia’s inhabitants. Eighty years later, her work inspires American photo-grapher Michele Westmorland to retrace Caroline’s journey and Papua New Guinean painter Jeffry Feeger to interpret contemporary counterparts of Caroline’s paintings. Headhunt Revisited connects these artists in a story that is personal and universal, illustrating how art transcends time, genre and geography, continuing to inspire new generations of artists and non-artists alike about the importance of documenting culture and tradition.

Explorer Talk: Alison M. Jones

December 4, 2018

For 12 years, No Water No Life has documented African and North American watersheds and recorded the work of their stewards and scientists. The NWNL mission is to raise awareness of the values and vulnerability of our clean water resources by combining the powers of science and photography.

NWNL Director Alison M. Jones shared images and observations that compare and contrast two seemingly, very different basins: one created by East Africa’s Mara River in the Great Rift Valley and the other by New Jersey’s Raritan River which flows into the Hudson River. Each watershed has its own distinct geology, climate and human and animal populations. Each has its own threats. Yet each has stewards and scientists creating solutions to protect their headwaters, tributaries, main stem and terminus.

Explorer Talk: Laly Lichtenfeld

September 1, 2018

Flag Carrier Laly Lichtenfeld spoke to WINGS supporters in Greenwich, Connecticut last month. Dr. Lichtenfeld is the founder of African People & Wildlife (APW), an environmental conservation organization in Tanzania. APW’s Women’s Beekeeping Initiative works with 950 women, many of whom are part of the Maasai Tribe, to help them develop entrepreneurial skills.

2018 Women of Discovery Awards Luncheon & Fellows Forum

April 25, 2018

The Women of Discovery Awardees presented their research, initiatives and discoveries during the Fellows Forum, an accessible, interactive symposium for anyone who wants to have a better understanding of the world around us, advance scientific inquiry and promote environmental conservation. The five intrepid explorers were honored and inducted as WINGS WorldQuest Fellows at the Women of Discovery Awards Luncheon.

Explorer Talk with Dr. Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka

March 14, 2018

Dr. Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka is one of the leading conservationists and scientists working to save the critically endangered mountain gorillas of East Africa. She is founder and CEO of Conservation Through Public Health (CTPH), a 14-year old nonprofit organization that promotes conservation by improving the quality of life of people and wildlife to enable them to coexist in and around protected areas in Africa. She became an Ashoka Fellow in 2007 for merging Uganda’s wildlife management and rural public health programs to create common resources for both people and animals.

March for Science with WINGS

April 22, 2017

The March for Science was a celebration of a worldwide passion for science and a call to support and safeguard the scientific community. The mischaracterization of science as a partisan issue is a critical and urgent matter. It is time for people who support scientific research and evidence-based policies to take a public stand and be counted.

The WINGS community stood in solidarity with the March for Science and continues to work to raise the voice of women in science and exploration.

For more information, visit

Explorer Talk: Sophie Hollingsworth

February 1, 2017

In 2016, Sophie Hollingsworth carried WINGS flag No. 30 to the Republic of Vanuatu, a chain of over 80 islands in the south west Pacific, to document the possible existence of a remote tribe of female chiefs.

At this WINGS WorldQuest Explorer Talk, Sophie provided a unique look into a complex and diverse culture accompanied with artifacts and paintings from her expedition. She taught us about their custom dances, water music, sand drawing, and sacred pig ceremonies. We enjoyed a rare visual photographic and artistic documentation of a vanishing way of life in the South Pacific.

2016 WINGS Fellows Forum

October 26, 2016

On October 26, 2016, the 2016 Women of Discovery Awardees presented their research and life’s work at the WINGS Fellows Forum at The Explorers Club. The honorees also held panel discussion to discuss the state of women in science. 2015-2016 Flag Carriers Ann Bancroft, Susan Eaton, Sophie Faustine Hollingsworth, Becca Peixotto, and Karen Strier shared their flag expeditions with the audience. After the public session, the new Fellows and Flag Carriers held a discussion with the WINGS Board to strategize the role that organizations like WINGS can play in achieving positive change for women in science and exploration.

2016 Women of Discovery Awards Gala

October 25, 2016

The WINGS WorldQuest Women of Discovery Awards were established in 2003 to recognize extraordinary women making significant contributions to world knowledge and science through exploration.

On October 25, 2016, six intrepid explorers were honored and inducted as WINGS WorldQuest Fellows at the Women of Discovery Awards Gala at The Lighthouse at Chelsea Piers. Seventy-nine pioneering women have received this honor and over $550,000 in grants since 2003.

Webinar: In the Field With Karen Strier & the Endangered Northern Muriqui

June 7, 2016

Karen Strier, Ph.D. joined us via webinar from the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil to talk about her WINGS flag expedition, Saving the World’s Most Peaceful Primate: Behavior, Ecology, and Population Demography of the Northern Muriqui.

Dr. Strier, a professor at University of Wisconsin-Madison, is an international authority on the northern muriqui monkey. She has been studying the endangered species in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest since 1982. Dr. Strier and her research team have made significant discoveries about the behavioral ecology, reproductive biology, and life histories of muriquis that have advanced our scientific understanding of primates in general, and contributed directly to the conservation and management of this critically endangered species.

Explorer Talk: Rosaly Lopes

March 10, 2016

Dr. Lopes gave an informational talk about the work that she has been doing over the span of her career. She highlighted the important role that volcanoes play here on Earth as well as the importance of analyzing volcanoes on moons and planets in space. She also talked about how terrestrial and celestial volcanoes have not only impacted our scientific thinking, but have also shaped culture through human history.

Dr. Rosaly M. C. Lopes is currently a Senior Research Scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Her research is centered around planetary and terrestrial geology and volcanology. In 1991, as a member of the Galileo Flight Project, a mission to Jupiter, she was responsible for observations of Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io. She subsequently discovered 71 active volcanoes on Io, for which she was honored in the 2006 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records as the discoverer of the most active volcanoes anywhere.

Conversation & Cocktails with Arita Baaijens

February 1, 2016

Arita Baaijens is an explorer, writer, biologist, mountaineer and WINGS Fellow. At a private cocktail event hosted in NYC this past January, Arita shared with us some of what she has learned over her 25 desert expeditions on camel throughout Egypt and Sudan. She answered questions on what she has learned from those expeditions and how they have made her a better explorer. She also shared a sneak preview of her upcoming expedition to Papua New Guinea and her plan for collecting stories and experiences. Arita was the first woman to cross the Western Desert of Egypt solo on camel. She uses storytelling as a powerful tool to reach people and create a 2-way flow of ideas, knowledge, skills and experience. Her latest book, Search for Paradise, is currently on the best seller list in The Netherlands.

Webinar: Our Ocean in Your Hands, From Science to Solutions

January 22, 2016

WINGS WorldQuest hosted “Our Ocean in Your Hands, from Science to Solutions: A Webinar” for approximately 1,000 middle & high school students from over 45 schools on four continents. Our moderator was Dr. Meghan Marrero from Mercy College and WINGS Fellows Anna Cummins and Dr. Edie Widder. You can watch the recording here.

Explorer Talk: Bolortsetseg Minjin

January 19, 2016

WINGS Fellow Bolortsetseg “Bolor” Minjin joined guests at the home of WINGS board member Diane Terry in CT on January 22 to share stories about her pivotal role in bringing the stolen Mongolian dinosaur Tarbosaurus baatar back to Mongolia.

Bolor used this event to educate Mongolians about the rich dinosaur heritage of their country and is now on a quest to combat the widespread problem of fossil poaching by working with with government agencies, legal experts, NGOs and private organizations. Bolor is creating all of the partnerships necessary to educate anyone and everyone who can stop poaching and trafficking of Mongolian dinosaur fossils.

Explorer Talk: Gaelin Rosenwaks

September 1, 2015

Gaelin Rosenwaks took us on a journey from satellite tagging Bluefin Tuna in the Western Atlantic Ocean to drilling ice cores in the frozen Bering Sea to her most recent expedition to the Cordillera Blanca in Peru where she was honored to carry the WINGS flag. She illuminated cutting-edge scientific research that is helping us understand the complexity of our ocean ecosystems and our responsibility in preserving our planet.

Gaelin is our newest Flag Carrier and is a marine scientist, explorer, photographer, and filmmaker. She has conducted fieldwork throughout the world from the Antarctic to the Arctic on icebreakers to both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans on fishing vessels. Gaelin founded Global Ocean Exploration, a company devoted to bringing cutting-edge ocean expedition science to the public through photography, writing, and film. Gaelin is a Fellow of both the Royal Geographical Society and the Explorers Club.