Alison Jones invites you to her lecture, “Impacts of Education and Training for Rural African Women,” sponsored by Voices of African Mothers, Feb 24, 6-7:30 pm

Alison Jones will be giving a talk tomorrow night at the 55th Session of The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, which runs Feb 22 to Mar 4th, 2011, at Church Center for the United Nations,
 The Drew Room, 777 UN Plaza @ 44th St, NYC

Click here for more details about attending…

As part of the session, Voices of African Mothers, Inc. has coordinated an evening of talks to honor this subject.  As an accomplished conservation photographer who has documented ecosystems and their management for over 20 years in Africa and the Americas, Alison will share her portraits and observations on the roles of women in health, education and conservation.

Photo Right:  Allison with local residents in Africa. Photo (c) Allison Jones.

Alison Jones is Project Director for No Water No Life and has carried the WINGS Flag on her expeditions to Kenya and Tanzania and North America’s Columbia River Basin.       

Related Resources and Links:

Alison’s Website


The Mara River; Kenya and Tanzania, 2009 

Columbia River Basin, 2008

Columbia River Basin, 2007

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