WINGS Fellow Sabriye Tenberken spoke about her latest work in India

Paul Kronenberg, Sabriye Tenberken, Rosemary Mahoney, Milbry Polk

Paul Kronenberg, Sabriye Tenberken, Rosemary Mahoney, Milbry Polk

WINGS Fellow Sabriye Tenberken spoke about her latest work in India at Top of the Garden Monday Jan 27, 2014. Rosemary Mahoney  spoke about her new book, For the Benefit of Those Who See about Sabriye. 


Young girls playing with WINGS trading cards

Young girls playing with WINGS trading cards

To learn more about Sabriye’s work in Tibet with the school for the blind she founded with Paul Kronenberg  see her website

To learn more about Sabriye’s work in Kerala, India with kanthari international, an innovative, world changing school she founded with Paul Kronenberg  see her website

WINGS cake pops made by Michelle Apiar

WINGS cake pops made by Michelle Apiar

Sabriye and Paul also lead a group of children climbing Everest. See the film BlindSight on Netflix or order on Amazon.

You can find both Sabriye and Rosemary’s books on Amazon by clicking the links below:

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