WINGS WorldQuest Flag Goes Up To Space with the Tycho Flight Launch

Small but visible! The Wings World Quest Flag is right above the Explorers Flag to the left

Small but visible! The Wings World Quest Flag is right above the Explorers Flag to the left

On June 24th, World View, a commercial balloon spaceflight company completed a test flight breaking the world record for highest parafoil flight. All accomplished while carrying the WINGS flag onboard coasting 120,000 feet at the edge of space.  As stated in World View’s press release, starting in 2016 the company will be offer “Voyagers the opportunity to float in space for a two hour sailing-like experience within a pressurized capsule transported by a parafoil and high-altitude balloon.”  This particular test flight tested the landing components necessary for consumer flights.  The features being developed and tested will also include access to the near space environment for educators, researches, private companies, and government agencies.

Click here for the press release


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