Celebrate World Lion Day on August 10th with WINGS Fellow Leela Hazzah

August 10th, 2014 has been decreed World Lion Day (Saving the King of Beasts to Save Ourselves).  On the ground Lion Guardians will meet with their communities to discuss peaceful co-existence, and their role as a Lion Guardians in conserving lions and preserving cultures.  Here is how you can get involved: 

The Guardians need our help in promoting the message of peaceful coexistence and raising awareness.


  1. Share the film over social media – send it to your friends on email, post it on Facebook, Tweet about it!
  2. Host your own community film showing – gather friends and family to watch the LionGuardians‘ educational film. You can use the online version below.
  3. Contribute to the discussion – Our Guardians are sharing their thoughts about the program and what it means to be a Lion Guardian, now it’s your turn. Share stories, pictures and comments on Facebook.
  4. Throw a roaring party in honor of lions and Lion Guardians. The World Lion Day website has a number of fun ideas to commemorate the occasion.

Lion Guardians Film (in Maasai with English Subtitles) from Lion Guardians on Vimeo.