WINGS Fellow Kate Harris Receives the 2014 Scott Pearlman Field Award

To Learn More About Her Expedition Click on her Photo Above

To Learn More About Her Expedition Click on her Photo Above

fence kate harris

WINGS Fellow and photographer, Kate Harris will be returning to Tajikistan in February 2015 leading an “all-woman ski traverse of the eastern Pamir mountains to document the impact of border fences on migratory wildlife, especially Marco Polo sheep.”  To inspire others to think “beyond borders,”  the “Borderski Expedition” will document the impact of manmade borders on migratory wildlife such as the Marco Pole Sheep through writing, photography, and film.

The Explorers Club has granted Harris with the 2014 Scott Pearlman Field Award of $10,000 for the Borderski Expedition.  WINGS is also very proud to announce that Kate Harris will also be carrying the WINGS Flag along on this extraordinary expedition.