Born: 1973

Hometown: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Education: Ph.D in Earth & Environmental Sciences

Occupation: Director, Institute for the Study of Mongolian Dinosaurs

Expeditions: Gobi Desert (Mongolia), Malta and Rudyard (Montana) to look for dinosaurs and early mammals; South Carolina and George (USA) to look for fossil whales

Favorite Places to Be: Ukhaa Tolgod and Flaming Cliffs in the Gobi Desert and Terelj National Park, all in Mongolia

Best Discovery: First saw of a gobiconodontid, a type of small extinct mammal. It demonstrates the type of mammals in Mongolia that were living alongside dinosaurs like Psittacosaurus.

Favorite Items in the Field: A GPS so I don’t get lost!

Personal Hero: My mom, Urjin, inspires me.


Advice: Never give up your dreams because there is always a solution for whatever problem you might encounter. 

Read Bolortsetseg Minjin’s Imagine Notes Here

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