Helen Thayer spent November in northern India


Helen Thayer spent November in northern India trekking to the source of the Ganges River to study water pollution and the effect on the indigenous cultures that depend on the Ganges River for their water supply. This is preparation for a major trekking expedition across the entire northern region of India. Helen had an article published concerning her 900 mile trek with the Berber tribe across 5 countries of the Sahara.” 50 Days of Sand and Camels.” Another article soon to be published “Together as One” discussing Helen and her husband’s expeditions when they became the first married couple to ski to any of the world’s poles unsupported without the use of snowmobiles or dog teams and the first couple to trek across any of the world’s major deserts when they trekked the entire 4000 miles of the Sahara

Read more about her: http://hikinglady.com/tag/helen-thayer/