Flag Carriers
2024 Women of Discovery
Dr. Paula Kahumbu
Dr. Paula Kahumbu is a prominent Kenyan conservationist and the CEO of WildlifeDirect. She earned her Ph.D. from Princeton University, focusing on Ecology and Evolutionary…
Dr. Patricia Medici
Dr. Patricia Medici is a Brazilian conservationist whose main professional interests are tapir conservation, tropical forest conservation, landscape ecology, and communication. Patrícia has a Bachelor’s…
Ruthmery Pillco
Ruthmery Pillco is a Peruvian biologist who works on conservation and biodiversity projects in the rainforests of Costa Rica and Peru. In Costa Rica, she…
Prof Adriana Vergés
Adriana Vergés is a marine ecologist whose research focuses on the ecology and conservation of coastal marine habitats. In particular, her team investigates the ecological…
Dr. Jessica Ware
Dr. Jessica Ware is a full curator at the American Museum of Natural History where she serves as Chair of the Division of Invertebrate Zoology. Dr. Ware’s…
All Explorers
Iris Love
Years: 1933 – 2020 Hometown: Lincoln, VT Education: M.A. in Classical Archaeology Occupation: Field archaeologist, photographer, art critic Expeditions: Samothrace and Cnidus, Greece, and Etruscan sites in Italy Favorite Place:…
Margaret Lowman
Born: 1953 Hometown: Elmira, NY Education: Ph.D. in Botany Occupation: Canopy ecologist (argonaut) Expeditions: Hot air ballooning to survey biodiversity in Cameroon, Africa; Jason expedition, broadcasting via satellite to…
Kristen Marhaver
Dr. Kristen Marhaver, a marine biologist, completed her NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship studying the ecology, reproduction, and juvenile behavior of Caribbean reef corals at the CARMABI…
Julieta Massaferro
Paleoecologist / paleolimnologist Julieta Massaferro (Flag #33) researches fossil insects from lake sediments to reconstruct past environmental conditions and understand climate and other environmental changes…
Nergis Mavalvala
Nergis Mavalvala is the associate head of the Department of Physics and the Curtis and Kathleen Marble Professor of Astrophysics at MIT. She is a…
Three Otters Media
Tiffany Duong, Aya Walraven, and Dr. Louise Edwards have come together to create Three Otters Media (TOM), which leverages virtual reality and immersive technologies to…
Dr. Patricia Medici
Dr. Patricia Medici is a Brazilian conservationist whose main professional interests are tapir conservation, tropical forest conservation, landscape ecology, and communication. Patrícia has a Bachelor’s…
Vera Metcalf
Born: 1951 Hometown: Savoonga, St. Lawrence Island, AK Education: B.A. in Rural Development Occupation: Director of the Eskimo Walrus Commission and Commissioner on the U.S. Arctic Research Commission Expeditions:…
Bolortsetseg Minjin
Born: 1973 Hometown: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Education: Ph.D in Earth & Environmental Sciences Occupation: Director, Institute for the Study of Mongolian Dinosaurs Expeditions: Gobi Desert (Mongolia), Malta and Rudyard (Montana)…
Katy Payne
Born: 1937 Hometown: Ithaca, NY Education: B.A. with honors in Music Occupation: Acoustic biologist Expeditions: Argentina, Revillagigedos Islands, Kenya, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Central African Republic Favorite Place: Quietly deep in nature Best…
Erin Pettit
Born: 1971 Hometown: Seattle, WA Education: Ph.D. in Geophysics Occupation: Glaciologist and educator Expeditions: Antarctica (West Antarctic Divide, Siple Dome, and the Dry Valleys), Alaska (Brooks Range), Washington (Mount…
Naomi Pierce
Born: 1954 Hometown: Denver, CO Education: Ph.D. in Biology Occupation: Entomologist, evolutionary biologist Expeditions: Australia, Borneo, Southeast Asia, Africa Favorite Place: In the mountains Best Discoveries: The evolution of symbioses between…
Ruthmery Pillco
Ruthmery Pillco is a Peruvian biologist who works on conservation and biodiversity projects in the rainforests of Costa Rica and Peru. In Costa Rica, she…
Ana Pinto
Born: 1959 Hometown: Oviedo, Asturias, Spain Education: Ph.D. in Archaeology Occupation: Archaeologist, anthropologist Expeditions: Spain, South Africa, Tanzania Favorite Place: Outdoors on the green slopes of the Asturias mountains Best Discoveries:…
Milbry Polk
Born: 1954 Hometown: Oxford, England Education: B.A. in Anthropology Occupation: Photographer, writer, founder of WINGS WorldQuest Expeditions: Egypt, India, Tibet, the Arctic, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Alaska, Nepal, Greenland Favorite Places:…
Andrea Polli
Born: 1968 Hometown: Albuquerque, NM Education: M.F.A Occupation: Environmental artist working at the intersection of art, science and technology Expeditions: The Dry Valleys and the South Pole of Antarctica,…
Catherine Powers
Born: 1976 Hometown: Denver, CO Education: Ph.D. in Earth Sciences Occupation: Paleontologist Expeditions: Europe and Western U.S. to analyze the distribution and diversity of bryozoans, a group of marine…
Jane Poynter
Jane Poynter is one of only eight people ever in history to live sealed in an artificial world for two years. Jane’s preparation…
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