Felicity Aston Embarks on Transantarctic Solo Expedition

British explorer Felicity Aston, carrier of WINGS flag #24,has just set out on her first solo ski expedition across Antarctica.  The 1,700km, 70 day trek will make her the first woman to ever complete this extraordinary feat alone.  

For Felicity, this is a personal challenge combining all that she has learned about polar travel over the past ten years. It is meant to instil a spirit of adventurer and to shed light on what motivates individuals to achieve. She has partnered with Dr. Stephen Pack, a psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire, who studies the link between physical activity and psychological well-being.  Dr. Pack has helped Felicity prepare mentally for isolation and will be using her podcasts and journal entries during the expedition as part of his research. 

Kaspersky Lab will once again be supporting Felicity on her expedition.  Felicity has begun posting updates on the expedition website at http://www.kasperskyonetransantarcticexpedition.com. Here, you can follow her progress on an interactive map, which will include Facebook and Twitter updates. She will also be posting a daily podcast that you can listen to on the site.  

Latest from her Expedition Blog

Ross Ice Shelf: November 25, 2011

Hello from the Ross Ice Shelf! I finally got here. It took 2 planes today to manage to get me to the far side of Antarctica and the start of my expedition. A few hours ago they dropped me off on the ice-shelf after an amazing flight over the Trans-Antarctic Mountains – and here I am. I’ve set up my tent, I’m alone on the Ross Ice Shelf and looking at a big white horizon on the one side towards the North – and to the South, this wall of mountain, absolutely spectacular. I couldn’t ask for better weather. It’s really calm, it’s sunny, warm – so it’s been very kind to me for my first night on the ice. I can’t wait to get started in the morning – and start my journey to the South Pole and the opposite side of Antarctica. I’m currently at about 85 degrees South and tomorrow I’m going to be chipping away at that – so yeah. Here’s to a good nights sleep and a good start tomorrow. 

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